For the love of buttery Caramels...
"Daydream's" Story...naturally sweet buttery caramels -
 In the spring of 2003, we traveled to Maine to add Jersey cows to our herd with the hope of blending their milk into our chocolates. We came home with "Doce", "Dreamer" and her calf we called "Sweet Dream". I soon discovered after working with their milk that the Jersey milk did not pair well with the natural flavors of my chocolates - having a heavier nuttier flavor than the Holsteins which we have been breeding and developing since 1984 to create a specific old world profile this being the "Magic in our Milk".  At that point we were just as happy to have them because Doce and Dreamer's milk was a wonderful addition to incorporate in making our cheeses.
 That all changed in July of 2012, when a young heifer who we call "Daydream"(a daughter of Sweet dream) calved and began to produce milk. Daydream already had her place in the history of Thorncrest Farm having been shown for two consecutive years and remaining undefeated in the show ring. Soon after entering production, on an early summer morning as Clint and I milked the cows, I took a look in Daydream's milk pail and commented on the pure buttery color and flavor of her night's work - which is best described as an ivory buttery tone with a pure clear finish all its own. I immediately turned to Clint and said, caramel! I couldn't wait to experiment with her milk in my caramel recipe. That was the beginning of Daydream's caramels.Â
 We hope you enjoy her caramels as much as we enjoy them and Daydream too.